Applications for Board 2022-2023 now open!

Dear fellow students,

The start of the new year is the beginning of new opportunities.

Are you engaged in your classes and motivated to go beyond? Do you want to contribute to a better faculty with your views, represent your fellow students in the Faculty Council and bring their ideas and suggestions to the table?

Then you might be a great fit for the Pro Geo Board of 2022-2023. You can broaden your horizon, learn valuable team skills and have fun experiences with your fellow board members!

Do you have questions about the work and what it is like to be a member of the board?

We will organise information sessions in the upcoming weeks:

Wednesday 16th of February15:00-17:00 in room 5419.0219.

Wednesday 23rd of February17:00-19:00 online

Are you interested?

Send your application, including your personal information, a motivation letter (max. 250 words), and CV to before the 25th of February, at 23:59!

If you have any further questions, you can always contact someone from the current board, talk to us in lectures or on campus, or send an email! You can also find us on Instagram: @progeo_fss

We are happy to help!

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