We proudly present our new board for the academic year 2019 – 2020!
Author: progeo
Candidate board 2019-2020
We proudly present our candidate board for the academic year 2019 – 2020! From left to right:Merel Flap Vice ChairFreddy Cawthorne-Nugent ChairCheyenne Raskeyn SecretaryRoos den “Candidate board 2019-2020”
Elections Faculty Council May 13th-17th 2019 Make sure to vote for Pro Geo www.rug.nl/vote
Alumni diner
Yesterday Pro Geo organized an alumni diner that was part of a Inhouse Tour. To get to know the workfield in the Randstad Pro Geo “Alumni diner”
Candidates of 2019-2020
We proudly present the candidates for the 2019-2020 Faculty Council & board of Pro Geo! The elections will take place 13 – 17 May!
Under Construction
As might have been noticed, the website of Pro Geo is under construction. Our apologies for the inconvenience. For contact you can always mail us “Under Construction”